School Name
Class Name/s
Number of ākonga
Year Level/s
Select the option/s that suit you best
Year 1-2
Year 3-4
Year 5-6
Year 7-8
Year 9-10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
School Term
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Education Pou
Please tick which Education Pou you have engaged with during this period
Ngā Hua o te Wao / Plants of Aotearoa
Ngā Manu o te Wao / Birds of Aotearoa
Ika, Ngārara & Ngāngara / Fish, Reptiles & Bugs
Wai Māori / Fresh Water
Waitai / Saltwater
Riha Rāwaho Kararehe / Pest Mammals
Riha Rāwaho Tipu / Pest Plants
Te Mauri o Te Repo / Ōtamakaokao Lagoon
He Huringa Āhuarangi
Tiaki te Ōhope Kūrae / Ōhope Spit
Achievement Objectives
For the following questions on relevance, knowledge, and confidence, please select three AOs that you will measure your answers against`
Ākonga will...
increase their confidence to partake in conversations about te taiao, our environment
increase their capabilities in asking questions, finding evidence and carrying out simple investigations, in order to explore their world
explore various aspects of an environmental issue and make decisions about possible actions
have increased opportunities to experience EOTC
understand that living things are suited to their habitat and have requirements to stay alive
be able to classify living things as native, endemic or introduced, and appreciate that living things in Aotearoa are quite different from other areas of the world
Has the content in these sessions been relevant for your akonga?
Not relevant
Somewhat relevant
Very relevant
Has the knowledge of your akonga around this topic increased through these sessions?
Not noticeably
Please share a quote or example to justify your selection
Have your akonga seemed more confident in their interactions with the area of te taiao/our environment that your sessions have been focused on?
Not noticeably
Please share a quote or example to justify your selection
Kaiako Knowledge and Confidence
Have you as a kaiako/teacher felt more knowledgeable and confident to teach in this area of te taiao?
Not noticeably
Are you satisfied with the delivery of this kaupapa and your interactions with our Halo Whānau?
Some of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Taking it Further
Now that you have experienced this wānanga, how might you grow this unit of work in your classroom and/or how will you connect this to the curriculum?
Do you have anything you would like to share with Halo Whakatāne about their delivery of conservational education?